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Portfolio Reports

Loan Performer groups loan reports into 5 categories (see menu Loans/General Portfolio Reports): General Reports, Reports on Dues, Reports on Repayments, Analysis Reports and Group Members Portfolio Reports. The details are the following :

1.General Reports

1.1. Loan Ledger Card;

1.2. Multi Loan Ledger Card;

1.3. Approved/Rejected/Pending Loans;

1.4. Disbursement Report;

1.5. Outstanding Balance Report;

1.6. Guarantors and Collateral Report;

1.7. Loans guaranteed by Guarantors report;

1.8. Loan Till Sheet;

2. Reports on Dues

2.1. Amounts Due;

2.2. Amounts for current day;

2.3.Print Notification Letters;

2.4. Missed/Non Completed payments for a particular day;

2.5.Upcoming Maturity Loans Report;

3. Reports on Repayments

3.1. Repayment of Dues Report

3.2. Repayments Past Due Report

3.3. Payments Made During a Period Report

3.4. Payments Made since Disbursement

3.5. Listing of Repayments

3.6. Pre-Payments Made During a Period Report

3.7. Penalties Charged Vs Penalties Paid

3.8. Fully Repaid Loans Report

3.9. Repayments of Written-Off Loans Report

3.10. Report on Fees Received

3.11. Loan History Report

3.12. On-Time Repayments per Cycle Report

3.13. Expected Repayments of Past and Present Dues

4. Analysis Reports

4.1. Active Portfolio per Credit Officer

4.2. Deleted Loans/Repayments Report

4.3. Loan Cycles Report

4.4. Written-Off and Rescheduled Loans Report

4.5. Loan Sizes Analysis Report

4.6. Top Borrowers Report

4.7. Arrears Report

4.8. Ageing Report

4.9. Portfolio at Risk Report

4.10. Portfolio Analysis Report

4.11. Monitoring Report

4.12. Portfolio Reports

4.13. Category Reports

4.14. Indicators Reports

4.15. Repeat Clients/Loans Report

4.16. Fund Utilisation Report

5. Group Members Portfolio Reports

5.1. Amount per Group Member Report

5.2. Group Members Disbursement Report

5.3. Group Members Repayment Report

5.4. Group Members Amount Due

5.5. Group Members Outstanding Balance

5.6. Members Payments Made since Disbursement

5.7. Members Repayments Report by Voucher Number

5.8. Group Members Arrears Report

5.9. Savings and Loan Collection Sheet

5.10. Loan Status Report

5.11. Group Members Category Report

5.12. Performance Monitoring Report

For all reports you will have to set a date or a period, you will have to indicate whether the report is only for individual loans, group loans or all loans, for which loan revolving fund (or all) and in some cases for which credit officer (or all). In most cases the order of the printout can be set. All reports can be pre-viewed or printed. In most cases also, you can set a print range, for instance print only page 10. The print range option only works for printing to a printing device, but does not work if you preview reports.

Regarding the arrears report: a breakdown of arrears according to period of arrears is possible if you choose menu “Loans/Reports on General Portfolio/Arrears Report” and you indicate the print order of “period in arrears”. The end of this report shows the 5 categories of bad debts as defined by yourself as a certain period of months in arrears (see menu “Accounts/Calculate Provision)


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